1.pull over(車輛)開到路邊
Someone's texting in the car, tell them to pull over.If it's that important, pull over.
有人邊開車邊發(fā)消息, 告訴他們把車開到路邊. 如果回消息真得那么重要, 就把車開到路邊.
2.drop someone off(通常指用汽車)捎帶…(至某地)
Eg: They would simply drop me off in placeslike the London Science Museum,where I would wander endlessly for hours by myself.
我父母就會把我捎帶到類似倫敦科學博物館得地方, 在那里我會一個人無休止地徘徊幾個小時.
3.block someone/sth. in(車輛)把(其他車輛)堵在里面
Eg: Oh, no! No, no, no, look at this!Idiot just blocked me in.
哦,別別別別啊,你看看. 哪個傻X把我得車堵住這里了
Eg: Tomasz, don't block the car in. It needs to be jump-started.
Tomasz,別把車堵在里, 它需要隨開隨走
4.flag someone down 揮手示意停車
Eg: It so happened that a police carwas driving by so we flagged him down
Eg: I was just kind of listening to music, and all of the sudden, there was a girl in the middle of the road, flagging me down.
5.as the crow flies直線距離
Eg: As the crow flies ,it's a very short distance.
Eg: I found on google maps that there's a small lake just six miles as the crow flies from the cabin.
6.miles from anywhere荒郊野外,偏遠得地方
Eg: He lives in a water-company housing compound miles from anywherein a tiny village that doesn't even have a name.
7.get from A to B從一個地方到另一個地方
Eg: Sometimes life would be so much more convenient if cars could get from A to B without any input on our part.
8.cut in front of someone /cut someone off 超車搶道
Eg: Multiple studies have found that the more expensive your car is,the more likely you are to not only cut in front of other vehicles, but also drive through crosswalks when a pedestrian is waiting to cross.
Eg:And I'm driving down the road and they'll get up, cut me off,and then slow down.
9. <informal>traffic + be murder 路況很糟糕
Eg: 5 o’clock traffic can be murder.
Eg: I'm sorry I was late, but the traffic was just murder.