Assuarance, commitment, guarantee, promise, and warranty
Assuarance 有“保證;保險得意思”,但這個“保證”并不具備法律效力,跟promise差不多,都是可能會違背得(Promises can be broken),例如: I promise to visit you. I promise to pay you back. His assurance in his superiority did not make him popular.
相比之下,commitment就要鄭重其事得多,(Commitment is suitable for those who want to make a declaration but with all the elements of dedication. A promise may or may not hold true in the future, but the commitments are more likely to be met.)也就是說,commitment需要有行動來支撐,例如:We made a commitment to keep working together.
guarantee 是一個法律用語,是一項非常正式得承諾(is to assure that something will get done right while promise is to commit to something or action) 例如:They are demanding certain gurantees before they sign the treaty.
而waranty 可以理解成“保修(期)”,這是一種gurantee,但是附帶有條件,比如保修多久、哪些屬于保修范圍等等。